Behind EMW . . .
my name is Elisabeth. I am a wife and also a mother of three amazing young adults.
By profession, I am a qualified teacher of what they refer to here in South Africa as the Foundation Phase (Pre-school to 3rd grade), and one of my subject majors for my degree was Music.
When I studied I didn’t know what a big role this subject was going to play in my life. I taught the 1st Grade, Class Music (1st to 3rd grade) and individual recorder, piano, trumpet and guitar lessons, at a Primary School for 4½ years before getting married and starting a family.
I was fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom, but even from the start of this new phase in my life, I had the opportunity to teach Music privately. At first, I only had trumpet beginner students. Later the list included piano, recorder and guitar beginner students, Music Appreciation groups, and eventually also Class Music in some of the local schools.
Notice the word “beginner”. As a Jack-of-all-trades when it comes to instruments, I am not a master of any, and still a student myself. So, I feel most comfortable with beginners. If you are looking for specialists in playing an instrument, please look elsewhere (I get very inspired by professional musicians and trust that others will too, so I will sometimes include links with my lessons).
I love the subject Music; always have, but only when specialising in class music and getting all that inspirational input from our lecturers, did I find out how much fun it could be to teach this subject. I really enjoy coming up with new ideas, finding new ideas and trying out new ideas.
This blog and the YouTube videos are most certainly a new idea that came about as a result of the Covid19 epidemic. It has been great fun putting together these videos, sheet music, etc. together with my daughter (camera lady and editor) for my recorder groups, using old ideas and coming up with new ideas. Since we decided to use YouTube as a way of making the lessons accessible to the recorder students and they are out there anyway, I thought, “What if….”
What if…
- other music teachers could benefit. I know from experience that teachers have limited time to prepare many lessons. Maybe these videos can help them cut down on lesson prep time. These videos could serve as an introduction to a lesson, a new note or new concept.
- home-schooling parents could benefit. Home-schooling moms are also looking for ideas and material.
- Here in South Africa, many schools lack the resources and qualified music teachers. Maybe these videos can assist in expanding the exposure and experience that learners get.
If you are such a teacher or parent, welcome to my blog and please let me know if our first project, “Beginner Recorder Lesson” on YouTube, is helpful — and feel free to suggest ideas for future lessons.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.